eOMIS® provides unique functionality for its three components; Inmate Management, EHR and Community Supervision. However, there are also functions that are common and support the extensive integration that makes eOMIS® so powerful for users. This Core Functionality provides the basis to integrate the agency’s infrastructure, staff roles and functions, link functions between specialties, provide continuity, and ultimately, make the application much easier to use.
Sentence, Commitment, Case & Mittimus Tracking
Directly receive information from courts with automated error checkingAble to automatically receive commitments/orders/documents, whether prison or community corrections related, directly from the court into eOMIS® with automated error checking. If automated submissions are not available from the court, functionality provides for the capture of all components and conditions related to an offender’s sentence, down to the lowest level, to provide for accurate calculation.
Biometric Identification
Fully integrated function to confirm identification and secure movementWhether confirming the ID of a new inmate or newly reporting probationer/parolee, controlling staff and inmate movement in/out of a secure facility, validating visitor entry/exit, or confirming an offender’s log-in through their InTouch App, biometric identification is a fully integrated functionality supporting multiple biometric methodologies including facial, voice, fingerprint, IRIS, etc.
Integrated Risk & Needs Assessment
Automated component of inmate case planningIRNA is a fully automated RNA instrument that takes full advantage of the integration of data in eOMIS®. Incorporating results from behavioral history, discipline, other assessments, classification recommendations, pre-release planning, court or parole board ordered conditions, etc., the IRNA becomes a major component of offender case management. Whether assessed at initial inmate intake, initial probationer assessment or part of a continuous case plan from prison release to parole supervision, the IRNA provides the basis for an offender’s case plan.
Integrated functionality supporting PREA mission from initial intake until discharge and releaseThe foundation of a sound PREA program is Assessment, Tracking, Incident Management and Reporting Outcomes. From initial prison intake through discharge, these functional areas are integrated throughout eOMIS®. From initial assessment (and any subsequent updates) the status of an inmate as a potential victim or predator is automatically integrated in all facility, housing, cell, work, and program assessments/requests. In the event of a potential PREA event; incident management, health care assessment, investigation, and response are all integrated with appropriate confidentiality, notifications, and tracking. Finally, all subsequent Bureau of Justice Statistics reporting requirements and Federal reporting can be automatically generated upon request by the user.
STG Assessment, Incident & Intelligence
Initial assessment, description and tracking of STGs and sub-groupsIntegrated across prison management and community corrections, provides an assessment tool (as defined by the client) and tracking of STGs, sub-groups, suspected or confirmed STG offenders (regardless of status), incidents, intelligence, etc. The STG module is integrated with geospatial mapping and provides visualization of members by group, housing unit, incident correlation, etc.
Incident Reporting
Create e-reports for incidents, their location and all involvedReporting an incident is a core correctional practice that transcends all areas of operations, facilities, EHR, and community supervision. eOMIS® provides the ability to generate the initial e-report, (including investigation and interviews), route the report electronically through all levels of processing (regardless of domain), geospatially tag the location of the incident, attach related files, and provide access of all incident related content to any authorized users. Integrated with Inmate Discipline, PREA, and Internal Affairs, Incident Reporting provides linkage to ensure information is available to those who need it.
Offender Grievance Tracking
Electronically review and manage grievancesAble to electronically receive a grievance for prison, EHR or community corrections if filed via kiosk, smartphone or tablet (digitally if received in paper form), respond, process appeals/other action, all electronically. The electronic workflow for review and approval is utilized at all levels of the process and delivers a coordinated function and is integrated with Inmate Discipline, PREA, Internal Affairs and Incident Reporting.
Holds, Warrants & Detainers
Tracking throughout the HWD process with automatic notificationsAble to track actions supporting the HWD process, generate e-forms to outside agencies, receive alerts to address time/date requirements, track warrants issued and the revocation process. Integrated with the Inmate Custody Classification and Offender Risk/Needs assessments, supports revisions to custody and community risk levels.
Internal Affairs
Confidential investigation capturing and incorporating data from various sourcesAble to investigate, track, interview, maintain a chain of custody, store photographs and digital information, and include secure confidentially with an added level of security to maintain data separation. Integrated with PREA, STG, Inmate Discipline and Incident Reporting, whether staff or offender centered, related to prison, EHR or community corrections, eOMIS® provides integrated and secure functionality across all domains.
Hitachi Pentaho BI
Comprehensive analytics, reporting and data miningDelivering BI and analytics is the Pentaho Data Integration and Analytics Platform from Hitachi Vantara. As a standard core component of eOMIS®, Pentaho integration provides a best in class platform providing robust analytics, reporting, and data mining.
Geospatial Solutions
Transforming data into intuitive visual graphicsAs the Corrections partner with Esri, the global leader in geospatial mapping and analysis, Marquis leads the way in utilizing this powerful technology to transform “data” into easily consumed visual graphics. From the mapping of entire correctional facilities down at the cell and bed level, to the tracking of community supervised offenders, the integration of Esri’s ArcGIS software drives innovative visual analytics never seen in the corrections market. Be able to view a “facility” from a 5,000-foot level, then select a housing unit, a floor, a wing and then a cell. View all STG members mapped by cell or dorm by the click of the mouse. Pull up a map of your community and display all your community supervised clients by home or work address, risk class, status of financial obligations, demographics, offense, financials, etc.
InTouch Suite
Staying connected using mobile devicesThe Marquis InTouch suite of mobile apps extends the power of eOMIS® to tablets and smart phones via easy to use apps for staff, inmates, and community supervised offenders. For staff, InTouch supports intake process interviews, ad seg rounds, medication administration, geocoded contact notes, property processing, exchanging e-forms, e-signatures, Parole Board Hearings, etc. Inmates can view release dates, access banking & canteen, submit requests, check visitation status, etc. all from their tablet. Community supervised offenders can request appointments, check financial obligations/balances, perform remote client check-in, video conference with counselor, submit e-forms, etc.
Comprehensive management of all aspects of facility and staff functionsTo support full integration, eOMIS® maintains an extensive details of an agency’s facilities, housing units, beds, offices, staff, transportation vehicles, addresses, contact information, unit capacities, caseloads, security levels, profiles, geospatial diagrams and maps, etc. So, whether staff are scheduling a transport, making a home visit, or determining the correct facility for a visually impaired inmate, eOMIS® knows which transport vans/busses have seats available for a particular schedule, an offender’s validated and geotagged address, and which facilities have cells which are available that match the inmate’s profile (security, health, ADA, etc.).